June 21, 2021
Of the natural hazards in Mother Nature’s arsenal, tornadoes are some of the most vicious. But while other hazards are regularly considered in building designs, tornadoes have not been part of the equation for most structures in the United States, even in highly tornado-prone regions. Now, an upcoming edition of a critical building standard gives tornadoes some much needed attention.
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has released a draft version of the 2022 edition of ASCE 7 for public feedback ahead of its final publication in December. This building standard helps engineers determine the loads (or forces) their building should be able to withstand, whether from a hurricane, earthquake, flood or snow. With the new edition, tornadoes may soon join that list, thanks to research spearheaded by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
The draft of the new edition features first-of-a-kind tornado hazard maps meant to guide the design of critical facilities, such as schools, fire stations and hospitals, based on their size and geographic location.