Baltimore startup Return wants to use micro conversions to uncover big insights for sales teams

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June 9, 2021

Once a potential customer is a warm, qualified lead, there are often many different layers of communication that happen between big businesses and sales and marketing teams, and hundreds of those are through pieces of content about the product, what it offers and ultimately how it helps. These videos, blog posts and white papers help a sales team make their case. But while working at agencies that helped produce those assets to get companies to success over 20 years, Greg Dvorken found that sales people could benefit from insights into whether those pieces of content were effective.

Teams would often collect clicks, open rates and pageviews, but Dvorken said those can prove to be “vanity metrics.” At the same time, there was a lot of data being collected about the customers, but it often remained in the brains of the sellers. Sales people want to be out selling, so they don’t usually take the time to do a post-mortem. But in a big organization there are lots of others who can benefit.

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